About Us

MAPrc is the Monash Alfred Psychiatry research centre. We are based at the Alfred Hospital, a major teaching hospital in Melbourne, Australia. From here, we carry out world-class research to help make a difference to the lives of people suffering from serious mental illnesses.

We constantly seek to find practical ways to apply what we learn from our research and our work in the hospital environment to identify unmet needs and new areas for study.

MAPrc is part of Monash University’s Central Clinical School and The Alfred Hospital’s Department of Psychiatry. MAPrc coordinates and facilitates all research that is performed within The Alfred’s Department of Psychiatry.

MAPrc continues to grow and to achieve impressive results including steady annual growth in external grants and awards, higher degree completions and publications, and perhaps most importantly, research discoveries that are recognised with respect by international centres and with gratitude by clinicians, patients and carers.

The core MAPrc team consists of a Director, Deputy Director, Research Manager, Research Fellows, Clinical Research Assistants and postgraduate students. Other staff members, both medical and clinical, within the Department of Psychiatry conduct research in association with MAPrc. Overall, MAPrc comprises a multidisciplinary team of over 100 staff and postgraduate students from medicine, nursing, psychology, allied health, science and health information services.

Watch Professor Kulkarni give an overview of our work.


 MAPrc Multidisciplinary Alfred Psychiatry Research Centre, Level 4, 607 St Kilda Road, Melbourne 3004