About Depression

Everyone feels sad, worthless and/or disinterested in normal activities at some stage throughout their life. However, one in five of us will experience these emotions intensely, for a prolonged period of time and often for no identifiable reason.

This is a condition known as clinical depression and is a serious illness with brain chemical and circuitry changes.

To find out what projects are currently being conducted in depression, please click here 
Note, depression occurring around the menopausal transition, known as Perimenopausal Depression, has a different clinical presentation compared with other types of depression. Anger, irritability, poor concentration, memory difficulties, poor self-esteem, poor sleep and weight gain make up this depression. The Meno- D is a rating scale to detect depression in menopause. It can be completed as a self-report scale or completed by a clinician. The general reference point for each item is the individual’s pre-menopausal level or state.



 MAPrc Multidisciplinary Alfred Psychiatry Research Centre, Level 4, 607 St Kilda Road, Melbourne 3004