Mood and Contraceptives – Is there a relationship?

MAPrc is investigating the answer to this question and you might be able to help!

Dr Sarah Metcalfe is researching whether the mood of women using contraceptive medication differs compared to the mood
of women not using this medication.

We need to hear from ALL women, including all hormonal contraceptive medication users AND women who use non-hormonal contraception or who don’t use contraception, who are aged 18 years and over (but not menopausal) and who are not pregnant or breastfeeding.

Participants complete some written questionnaires about health and mood, as well as a one-hour telephone or face-to-face interview about mood, contraceptive use and health. All participants receive group feedback, and results might help other
women make informed choices about contraceptives.

Can you help?
Please contact Dr Sarah Metcalfe on 9076 6988 or at  

 MAPrc Multidisciplinary Alfred Psychiatry Research Centre, Level 4, 607 St Kilda Road, Melbourne 3004