New TMS Clinic opens at MAPrc

On the 31st October 2012 the Minister for Health, Mary Wooldridge, launched the MAPrc TMS Clinic – the first publicly funded program for the provision of TMS in the treatment of depression in Australia.


In 2011, Professor Paul Fitzgerald received a Department of Health New Technology Funding Grant to setup this world first clinical service. In addition to treating patients, the clinic will play a role in training clinicians to setup similar TMS programs in regional centres, interstate and internationally.

This is the culmination of over a decade of Professor Fitzgerald’s research into the effectiveness, safety and optimisation of TMS for patients who have been unable to find relief from their depression. The establishment of a clinical service to provide a specialised treatment to those patients experiencing this treatment resistant depression will have a considerable impact on both the health outcomes for individual patients as well the wider community.

Click here to watch the Channel 9 news coverage.  If you are having trouble viewing, you will need to install Adobe Flash Player

For more information, or to access the clinic services, please contact Dr Sally Herring on 9076 6595 or via email  




 MAPrc Multidisciplinary Alfred Psychiatry Research Centre, Level 4, 607 St Kilda Road, Melbourne 3004